[August 23, 2013] – Last day at QUBS

The last morning at QUBS and everyone’s feeling a little forlorn to be leaving so soon.  Groups spent the morning acquiring last bits of data for their project and consolidating it, resulting in what I believe was the quietest few hours on the entire facility.  Nothing like a deadline to put an end to revelry.  Everything looked great however, and with the wetlands assessed, it should be an absolute breeze to whip together the 19 page paper – lucky for us we have a bit of time to play with.  The afternoon brought in Jim Lee, vice provost of Queens University along with two colleagues to check out QUBS and our course for the first time.  Our group did not fail to impress upon them that the course was absolutely excellent and fruitful in a variety of ways.  I believe I speak for everyone when I say that the course was among the very best of my university experience, with a great environment and teaching staff to boot.  People that otherwise wouldn’t have met became fast friends, and I think that Canada and Canadians in general left a very good impression on the Chinese students. I certainly know that we loved all of them.  A trip to the alternate Elbow lake facility was a perfect way to spend the afternoon, a beach on a lovely day will do that for you.  The magic of the whole experience was sufficient even to drag Dr. Lougheed into our group photo – a personal as well as group victory.  With a group slideshow of our experiences (thanks Gigi) and a night of marshmallows (and surprisingly talented karaoke) around a bonfire to cap the trip off, it stands as one of the best days of an amazing trip.  While morning would bring on tears and goodbyes, it is a testament to the unity of the group and excellence of the experience that at three in the morning on the last night there, everyone from the course gathered together and celebrated their time in the most international of ways, with fun, friends and an awful lot of laughs.  Thank you everybody.

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8月23日,周五。 程小桁 译


这天下午,我们见到了女王大学的副教务长Jim Lee,与他同行的还有两位同事,他们一同前来对QUBS 和我们的课程进行评估;这对我们的课程是首次。我们小组成功地向他们展示出这个课程的优秀以及我们各方面的收获。我相信,当Jesse说到这个课程是我们大学时光中最好的经历时,在座的所有同学们都会赞同;如果没有这个课程,我们当中的许多人也许此生压根就不会见面,更别提成为挚友了。加拿大和这里的同学老师们给我们留下了非常好的印象;当然,我相信每个加拿大的同学也同样喜爱着我们这批远方来的朋友。

之后,我们随Jim去了Elbow湖畔的另一个生态站;在那宜人的沙滩上消磨下午时光最好不过了。这个美好的下午甚至魔法般地帮我们将Lougheed教授拉入最后的合影中——这不仅是个人的胜利, 还是群体的胜利!






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